I went to college with many people from Europe, some of whom wound up living and working in Canada. My Mom worked for years managing offices for doctors and dentists. So for 40 years or more, I’ve heard the pros and cons of universal healthcare.

I remember how vehement folks like my Mom and people for whom she worked were about a national healthcare system. And my Mom wasn’t real ideological or political. They even sounded a little bit superior. And my Dad considered it communist (I believe he never really got communism and socialism straight. He just hated both of them because he hated what happened to Germany after his WWII days).
But over the years as my parents grew older, their position softened. And my friends in Canada can’t really tell the difference between the care they receive there with a national healthcare system and what they received in the USA. And I think everyone can see now that universal healthcare isn’t either/or or yes/no and it certainly doesn’t have to be socialist. We can innovate a new standard.
Based on this chart on MSNBC and a power point I received recently, it is imperative that we evolve to a much different and much more efficient and effective form of providing healthcare in this country.
Now is the time. When the Declaration of Independence ticked off the inalienable rights of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” it is clear to me at least that life includes “healthcare.”
I remember how vehement folks like my Mom and people for whom she worked were about a national healthcare system. And my Mom wasn’t real ideological or political. They even sounded a little bit superior. And my Dad considered it communist (I believe he never really got communism and socialism straight. He just hated both of them because he hated what happened to Germany after his WWII days).
But over the years as my parents grew older, their position softened. And my friends in Canada can’t really tell the difference between the care they receive there with a national healthcare system and what they received in the USA. And I think everyone can see now that universal healthcare isn’t either/or or yes/no and it certainly doesn’t have to be socialist. We can innovate a new standard.
Based on this chart on MSNBC and a power point I received recently, it is imperative that we evolve to a much different and much more efficient and effective form of providing healthcare in this country.
Now is the time. When the Declaration of Independence ticked off the inalienable rights of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” it is clear to me at least that life includes “healthcare.”
It's imperative and overdue that Americans live more consciously and make the choice to buy health insurance a priority. Why should my tax dollars pay for the medical treatments of a lifelong smoker with lung cancer? For the gastric bypass surgery of an overeater who has become obese? If health care becomes a government responsibility, what incentive is there to also take personal responsibility?
because you are already? no doubt people should stay in better health...but the costs are being driven up in part because the uninsured use government services to get to the hospital...then drive up the cost of healthcare for everyone because institutions and professionals have to absorb the difference....
damned if we do and damned if we don't
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