Tuesday, August 25, 2009

4.6 million +

That’s the number tallied from a strategic partnership DCVB maintains with nearly 50 Durham museums, performing arts and sports venues, historic sites, nature venues, festivals and civic facilities. For years, these facilities diligently logged attendance on a monthly basis for DCVB to use the aggregate tally for several purposes.

First, DCVB uses the numbers as a performance measure regarding getting visitors to circulate throughout the community. Getting visitors here is part of the job but of equal importance is getting visitors to circulate and to optimize spending and tax revenue generation after they arrive.

Regardless of the main purpose for a trip, visitors make up 60%-70% of the attendance and sustainability of these facilities and events.

Second, DCVB provides the tally quarterly to the City and County to inform one of their joint Results-Based Accountability measures.

Third, if they choose, the participating venues can use their attendance numbers and the aggregate number to compute and measure marketing share.

Fourth, when contrasted to other benchmarks maintained by DCVB, local officials and enthusiasts can use the numbers to calibrate future facility and event planning to be sure things are being added that complement.

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